Architectural ~ Pendant ~ Turin

PD-14811 - Antique Brass - Triedre Prisms

PD-14811 - Antique Brass - Triedre Prisms

14800-PD 14700-PD (1).png

PD-14809 ~ PD-14813

W:24" x H:8" - 3' Cables

PD-14809 LED Lamping: (6) 2W LINEAR (1800 lm)

W:36" x H:8" - 6' Cables

PD-14810 LED Lamping: (9) 2W LINEAR (2700 lm)

W:48" x H:8" - 9' Cables

PD-14811 LED Lamping: (12) 2W LINEAR (3600 lm)

W:72" x H:8" - 9' Cables

PD-14812 LED Lamping: (19) 2w LINEAR (5700 lm)

W:96" x H:8" - 12' Cables

PD-14813 LED Lamping: (25) 2W LINEAR (7500 lm)

Our Turin fixtures are made from solid glass triedre prisms and rigid metal flat straps all blended into a seamless ring. They provide a peripheral glow that is just enough accent light to keep conversations interesting!


Turin Series: